Zeus Bouquet
Zeus Bouquet
Zeus Bouquet
Zeus Bouquet
Zeus Bouquet
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Zeus Bouquet

475 AED

The 800Flower Signature collection is a unique selection of the most beautiful, natural flowers sourced directly from farms across the world, and artfully designed by master florists for an experience never seen before in the UAE.

Original: 10x Rose Beluga, 5x Spray Rose White

Includes: 1 Flower Arrangement with Greeting Card

Prices inclusive of VAT

1. Complete the Perfect Gift
We guarantee our flower freshness for 5 days or your money back.

Flower Pro Tip:

To ensure the freshest flowers, your blooms may arrive in ‘bud’ form. This maximizes their life so you get the maximum freshness. Please allow 1-3 days for your new buds to open and reach full bloom.

We offer a range of flexible delivery options including our fast ‘Express Delivery’, same-day delivery, morning delivery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah so your orders are received on-time and with a big smile.

Orders received before 700pm for Dubai delivery will be delivered the same day! Orders for Sharjah will be delivered the same day if received before 100pm and orders for Abu Dhabi will be the next day.

We may call the recipient to ensure the delivery is fresh and delivered on time. However, we do not share the details of the sender or the order.

A voucher equal to 100% of the order value will be provided if an order is cancelled before twenty-four (24) hours of delivery.

We deliver thousands of orders each month to happy recipients. However, we do know that mistakes do happen. If you are not satisfied for any reason, please contact our customer support team immediately.
